


Travail d’Art «Viva Magenta»

Picture representing to the right a black woman in the foreground with white afro hair, wearing one shoulder blue dress and carries around her arm a lilac hand bag. To the left, a bit further back, is an asian man with black semi long hair, dressed in a big denim blue shirt and white pants. He is wearing black sandals and on his shoulder is a pink bird. In the far back is a white girl with purple long hair. She is wearing a transparent grey top and a foot long denim blue skirt. The people are in a sort of glas tunnel and outside is a magenta colored landscape with huge clover flowers. There is a motion of spiral circles in white and pink.

Illustration animée au format GIF. L’œuvre représente trois personnes vêtues de denim. L’illustration est réalisée dans Photoshop et contient des éléments traditionnels de peinture à l’aquarelle. Cette œuvre est un produit en médias mixtes.

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